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Injecting a Plugin

What it looks like

Plugins open up the component <T> to external code that will be injected via context into every child instance of a <T> component.

import { injectPlugin } from '@threlte/core'

injectPlugin('plugin-name', ({ ref, props }) => {
  console.log(ref, props)

If a plugin decides via ref or props analysis that it doesn’t need to act in the context of a certain <T> component, it can return early.

import { injectPlugin } from '@threlte/core'
import type { Object3D } from 'three'

const refIsObject3D = (ref: any): ref is Object3D => ref.isObject3D

injectPlugin('raycast-plugin', ({ ref, props }) => {
  if (!refIsObject3D(ref) || !props.raycast) return

The code of a plugin acts as if it would be part of the <T> component itself and has access to all properties. A plugin is notified about property or ref changes and can run code in lifecycle functions such as onMount or onDestroy.

import { injectPlugin } from '@threlte/core'
import { onMount } from 'svelte'

injectPlugin('plugin-name', () => {
  // Use lifecycle hooks as if it would run inside a <T> component.
  onMount(() => {

  return {
    // This is called when the ref changes and on initialization.
    onRefChange(ref) {

      // You can return a cleanup function that will be called when the ref
      // changes again or when the component is destroyed.
      return () => {

    // This is called when the props change and on initialization. This includes
    // props like "args", "manual" and other base props of <T> but also
    // props that are not part of the base props.
    onPropsChange(props) {

    // This is called when the props change that are not part of the <T>
    // components base props and on initialization.
    onRestPropsChange(restProps) {

It can also claim properties so that the component <T> does not act on it.

import { injectPlugin } from '@threlte/core'

injectPlugin('ecs', () => {
  return {
    // without claiming the property "position", <T> would apply the
    // property to the object
    pluginProps: ['entity', 'health', 'velocity', 'position']

Plugins are passed down by context and can be overridden to prevent the effects of a plugin for a certain tree.

import { injectPlugin } from '@threlte/core'

// this overrides the plugin with the name "plugin-name" for all child components.
injectPlugin('plugin-name', () => {})

Creating a Plugin

Plugins can also be created for external consumption. This creates a named plugin. The name is used to identify the plugin and to override it.

import { createPlugin } from '@threlte/core'

export const layersPlugin = createPlugin('layers', () => {
  // ... Plugin Code
// somewhere else, e.g. in a component

import { injectPlugin } from '@threlte/core'
import { layersPlugin } from '$plugins'




This is en example implementation that adds the property lookAt to all <T> components, so that <T.Mesh lookAt={[0, 10, 0]} /> is possible:

<script lang="ts">
  import { Canvas } from '@threlte/core'
  import Scene from './Scene.svelte'

  <Scene />
<script lang="ts">
  import { T, useFrame } from '@threlte/core'
  import { DEG2RAD } from 'three/src/math/MathUtils'
  import { injectLookAtPlugin } from './lookAtPlugin'

  const cubePos = [0, 0.8, 0] as [number, number, number]

  useFrame(() => {
    cubePos[0] = Math.sin( / 1000) * 2
    cubePos[2] = Math.cos( / 1000) * 2


  position={[0, 5, 10]}
  lookAt={[0, 2, 0]}

  rotation.x={DEG2RAD * -90}
  <T.CircleGeometry args={[4, 60]} />
  <T.MeshStandardMaterial />

  rotation.x={DEG2RAD * -90}
  <T.BoxGeometry />
  <T.MeshStandardMaterial color="#FE3D00" />

  position={[0, 4, 0]}
    rotation.x={DEG2RAD * 90}
    <T.ConeGeometry args={[1, 2]} />

  position={[-3, 20, -10]}
<T.AmbientLight intensity={0.2} />
import { injectPlugin, useThrelte } from '@threlte/core'
import { Object3D, Vector3 } from 'three'

export const injectLookAtPlugin = () => {
  injectPlugin('lookAt', ({ ref, props }) => {
    // skip injection if ref is not an Object3D
    if (!ref.isObject3D || !('lookAt' in props)) return

    // get the invalidate function from the useThrelte hook
    const { invalidate } = useThrelte()

    // create some variables to store the current ref and props
    let currentRef = ref
    let currentProps = props

    // create a temp vector to avoid creating new vectors on every iteration
    const tempV3 = new Vector3()

    const applyProps = (p: typeof props, r: typeof ref) => {
      if (!('lookAt' in p)) return
      const prop = p.lookAt
      if (prop.isVector3) tempV3.copy(prop)
      if (Array.isArray(prop) && prop.length === 3) {
        tempV3.set(prop[0], prop[1], prop[2])
      } else if (typeof prop === 'object') {
        tempV3.set(prop.x ?? 0, prop.y ?? 0, prop.z ?? 0)


    applyProps(currentProps, currentRef)

    return {
      onRefChange(ref) {
        currentRef = ref
        applyProps(currentProps, currentRef)
      onPropsChange(props) {
        currentProps = props
        applyProps(currentProps, currentRef)
      pluginProps: ['lookAt']

BVH Raycast Plugin

A Plugin that implements BVH raycasting on all child meshes and geometries.

<script lang="ts">
  import { injectPlugin } from '@threlte/core'
  import type { BufferGeometry, Mesh } from 'three'
  import { computeBoundsTree, disposeBoundsTree, acceleratedRaycast } from 'three-mesh-bvh'

  const isBufferGeometry = (ref: any): ref is BufferGeometry => {
    return ref.isBufferGeometry

  const isMesh = (ref: any): ref is Mesh => {
    return ref.isMesh

  injectPlugin('bvh-raycast', () => {
    return {
      onRefChange(ref) {
        if (isBufferGeometry(ref)) {
          ;(ref as any).computeBoundsTree = computeBoundsTree
          ;(ref as any).disposeBoundsTree = disposeBoundsTree
          ;(ref as any).computeBoundsTree()
        if (isMesh(ref)) {
          ;(ref as any).raycast = acceleratedRaycast
        return () => {
          if (isBufferGeometry(ref)) {
            ;(ref as any).disposeBoundsTree()

<slot />

Implementing this plugin in your Scene:

<script lang="ts">
  import { Canvas } from '@threlte/core'
  import BvhRaycast from './plugins/BvhRaycast.svelte'
  import Scene from './Scene.svelte'

    <Scene />

Threlte-managed Matrix Updates

By default, Three.js is automatically updating the matrix and matrixWorld properties of all objects every frame. This can be a performance problem in large apps, because it is not necessary in certain situations. This plugin listens for changes to certain transform-related properties and updates the matrix and matrixWorld properties only when necessary.

<script lang="ts">
  import { Object3D } from 'three'
  import { injectPlugin, useFrame } from '@threlte/core'

  const isObject3D = (obj: any): obj is Object3D => {
    return obj.isObject3D

  const propKeysRequiringMatrixUpdate = [

  const objectsToUpdate: Set<Object3D> = new Set()

  type MatrixPluginProps = {
    matrixAutoUpdate?: boolean

  injectPlugin<MatrixPluginProps>('matrix-update', ({ ref, props }) => {
    if (!isObject3D(ref)) return
    if (props.matrixAutoUpdate) return
    ref.matrixAutoUpdate = false

    const checkForMatrixUpdate = (props: Record<string, any>) => {
      if (Object.keys(props).some((key) => propKeysRequiringMatrixUpdate.includes(key))) {

    return {
      pluginProps: ['matrixAutoUpdate'],
      onRestPropsChange(restProps) {

    ({ invalidate }) => {
      if (!objectsToUpdate.size) return
      objectsToUpdate.forEach((obj) => obj.updateMatrix())
      order: -Infinity,
      invalidate: false

<slot />

Now when applying props like position.x or scale to any <T> component, the matrix of the object will update but doesn’t just update every frame as Three.js does by default. If an object is transformed without props (like a camera being transformed by THREE.OrbitControls) you can apply the flag matrixAutoUpdate:

  <OrbitControls />

Notice how this plugin uses TypeScript to augment to possible props this plugin may receive. This is not necessary, but it is a good practice to do so.