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This hook lets you consume the main Threlte context (ThrelteContext) of your application (scoped to the root <Canvas>) which contains the renderer, camera, scene and other properties.

Use this hook to manually invalidate the current frame …

const { invalidate } = useThrelte()

… access the renderer or the currently active camera …

const { renderer, camera } = useThrelte()
console.log(renderer, $camera)

… or update render properties:

const { toneMapping } = useThrelte()


This hook relies on context passed down by the <Canvas> component and can only be used in a child of that component.

const {
  size, // Readable<Size>
  clock, // Clock
  camera, // CurrentWritable<THREE.Camera>
  scene, // THREE.Scene
  renderer, // THREE.WebGLRenderer
  invalidate, // (debugFrameloopMessage?: string) => void
  advance, // () => void
  colorSpace, // CurrentWritable<THREE.ColorSpace>
  toneMapping, // CurrentWritable<THREE.ToneMapping>
  dpr, // CurrentWritable<number>
  shadows, // CurrentWritable<boolean | THREE.ShadowMapType>
  colorManagementEnabled, // CurrentWritable<boolean>
  useLegacyLights, // CurrentWritable<boolean>
  frameloop // CurrentWritable<'always' | 'demand' | 'never'>
} = useThrelte()


If the frameloop is set to 'demand' and you are manually editing objects or materials, be sure to invalidate the current frame to request a rerender:

const { invalidate } = useThrelte()


// Optionally provide a debugFrameloopMessage to debug the frame loop
invalidate('changed material color')

If the frameloop is set to 'never' you must manually advance the frameloop to request a new render:

const { advance } = useThrelte()


The property can be changed at any time, but it will only take effect on the next frame.